baseball fielding schedule


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I have a weird one for you. I am tring to create a fair fielding schedule for
my tee ball team where one child can not sit on the bench more than one a
game and also can not play the outfield possitions twice in a game.

In the ideal world Child 1 would play 1 inning of infield, 1 inning of
outfield and 1 inning of bench (3 inning total). The third inning is tricky
because I have 13 kids and 10 possitions to fill. In the last inning, the
child can play the infield again (Just not the one they already played), but
can not play the outfield or bench.

Does anyone have a formula for this?

Luke M

Don't have a formula per se, but you could set up a pattern if player
position is irrelevant.
1st inning
kids 1-4 play outfield, 5-7 sit, 8-13 play infield
2nd inning
kids 5-8 play outfield, 9-11 sit, 12-4 play infield
3rd inning
kids 9-12 play outfield, 13-2 sit, 3-8 play infield

Next game, start pattern with 13-3 playing outfield

Hope it helps!

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