BaseBall statistics


James in Need

I rewrote this post because I did not get any responces from the initial post
and figured it was worth one more try.

Above is the link to file I have posted on "MediaFile" with hopes someone in
the know could help find the correct formula to use and where to use it.

You will see there are nine players in this typical "rotisserie" type
scoring fantasy baseball game. Rotisserie scoring gives the most points for
being the best in a catergy, one less point for being second best, all the
way to the worst player who gets 1 point. Because there are nine players in
this peticular game the most rotisserie points available in each category is
There are 10 categories to aquire up to 9 points in. As abbeviated in my
chart there are;
5 categories for BATTERS:

Runs (R)
Home Runs (HR)
Runs Baqtted In (RBI)
Stolen Bases (SB)
batting Average (AVG)

and 5 categories for PITCHERS:

Strike Outs (K)
Wins (W)
Saves (S)
Earned Run Average (ERA)
Walks & Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP)

The Total Points column tallys each persons total rotisserie points from all
of the above categories accumulated thus far this season.
Again, the player with the least number of runs gets 1 point in the "runs"
and he with the most runs accumulated this baseball season thus far
receives 9 rotisserie points.
To win, all the categories are totaled and the player with the most
points leads and eventually wins. But after each days proffesional baseball
games are played, the totals for each category changes, thus the leader board

Anyone can cut and paste the category leaders (as I have done on sheet 1 of
the file)
BUT what I would like to do or should I say have Excel do is:
From ONE quick cut & paste of each days totals thus far (sheet 1 [2] of my
file) have Excel deduct the category totals and sort them in individual
tables just like the ones I have (pasted) in sheet 1, automatically.

I posted the file with the highlighted parts I would
like to have formulas for. One formula should work for each category. I
really do want to understand Excel better so I'm not looking to have it done
for me just help with the formulas I need and where I need them. This is
100% amusement for me. Learning Excel without sitting in a classroom is
amusing and "Hands On" as explained in my profile...

Thank You in Advance!
Again, the file is linked at the following.........

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