Baseline 0


Dale Howard [MVP]

MK --

By default, it shows the Baseline set of fields, which you refer to as
Baseline 0. This means it shows Baseline Start, Baseline Finish, Baseline
Duration, Baseline Work, and Baseline Cost in default Project Center views.
Because of this, I recommend that you use the Baseline set of fields for the
operrating Baseline in the project, and use the Baseline1 through Baseline10
fields as a place to back up your operating Baseline for historical purposes
before you rebaseline a project, such as after a major change control
procedure. Hope this helps.

maureen king


Baseline set of fields - not sure what you mean by those. Today, we set the original baseline to 0 and then when we need to rebaseline - use the next incremental number available (up to 11) what you are saying I think is that regardless of numbers of baselines the one everyone sees in PWA is Baseline 0 so if you want them to see real dates then they should reset baseline to "0" right - otherwise data will not be current???

MK wrote:

Baseline 0

Does EPM Project Center only show baseline 0 or the latest baseline.

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ASP.NET Process Killer Revisited

Dale Howard [MVP]

Maureen --

Your assumption is correct. I recommend you use the Baseline set of fields
(which you refer to as Baseline0) to store the current operating Baseline
for the project. Use the other ten sets of Baseline fields (Baseline1 to
Baseline10) for backing up your current Baseline before you rebaseline a
project after a change control procedure. Hope this helps.

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