Baseline Problem - some tasks not getting set


R Wood

I was wondering why my exported timephased data always showed
baselined values (work, BCWP) as zero. Back tracking, I noticed that
my Project Stats showed NA or 0 for baseline values (start, finish,
duration, etc.). And yet I had baseline values (work, duration,
start, finish, cost) for all tasks.

I made a copy of my schedule and started to play around with the
data. I deleted all the baseline values then took another baseline
(Tools/Tracking/Save Baseline/Entire Project). I noticed that the
baseline values of some of my tasks weren't getting updated. I can
delete the baseline values and repeat this over and over again.
Always the same tasks are missed (the first 37 of my schedule).

However, if I select these tasks then take another baseline
(Tools/Tracking/Save Baseline/Selected Tasks), then the baseline
values are updated for these tasks. And yet, my Project Stats still
show NA or 0 for the project's baseline values.

Anyone know what's wrong?

Rob Wood

R Wood

I figured out part of it. I had originally set the baseline info
manually, by setting the fields directly. Tonight I discovered that I
hadn't set the overall summary field, you know, the one you get when
you select Tools/Options/View/Show Project Summary Task (or something
similar). If I set the baseline fields on this summary task, the info
appears in the Project Stats.

But I still can't get the baseline work to appear in the exported
timephased data to Excel. Any idea why?

Rob Wood

John Beamish

It seems that the TimeScaled Data wizard only exports information for tasks.
Summary task information is not exported (except for the Task name).


R Wood


Thanks, but not even my tasks' baseline work is being exported to
Excel, eventhough each as a (manually set) baseline value.

I'll keep playing with my data, see if I can figure out why...

Rob Wood

R Wood

I think I have some fundamental problem in my data, as I now see that
my BCWS and BCWP values are not being calculated. However, if I copy
everything into a new file and run "Save Baseline", they do get
calculated. In the original file, running "Save Baseline" twice
causes MSP to crap out.

My guess, this stems from not having used "Save Baseline"
originally, but instead I manually set the baseline fields.

Now I've got a dilemma: how to run "Save Baseline" so everything
works properly and retain my original baseline information?

Any suggestions?

Rob Wood

John Beamish

From the way I originally read your initial request, it seemed that it was
only the summary tasks that weren't being exported "correctly".

I just tried working with manually set baseline values. It *appears* (I
didn't have time to do a lot of testing) that manually entered baseline
values are not exported during the creation of the Excel spreadsheet.

Try this ... click on the Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel, create the
spreadsheet and save it. Then copy the project to test.mpp. Open test.mpp,
click on Tools | Tracking | Save Baseline ... and baseline the entire
project. Then click on the Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel and create a
second spreadsheet. Compare the two spreadsheets.


Mike Glen

Hi Rob,

You could save the project with a new name and then clear the baseline and
re-save the baseline to reset it. Now, using the Window menu, open the old
file and arrange them vertically. You can then drag the old baseline
information you want to keep into the new project file. Now delete the old

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

R Wood

John, Mike,

Thanks for your help.

I didn't try the dual Excel suggestion of John's, but I did do
something pretty similar to Mike's approach, which seems to have
worked well enough for now. My excel timephased baseline gets
exported and my BCWP and BCWS values have been calculated.

So for now, my original problem seems to be resolved.

Rob Wood


I am having similar problems.
Increasing available RAM or virutal memory settings (I am
not technical, but a technician reset some values)
prevents the second baseline attempt from crashing MSP on
me. However, I am not able to save a baseline for a
particular file I am working on. It is only about 60
tasks, and not many dependencies. There are a lot of hard
dates, constraints. However, MSP will save a baseline in a
simple test file.

I would like to find a solution, rather than a work-
around, because copying and pasting to a new file has not
worked consistently for me in the past either.


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