Basic Calculation obstacle


Florida Karen

I have created a spreadsheet for a monthly tracking task in our office. There
are 31 worksheets which contain daily numbers. I have done basic calculations
(adding columns within the day) as well as calculations from one page to the
next (for tracking MTD totals). I have done this type of spreadsheet several
times in the past with no problems. The problem I am running in to is that
the calculations are not automatically completed when a number is inserted or
changed. For example if I am totalling 4 cells and i change a number in one
of those cells, the sum does not change unless I double click in the cell
that contains the formula for the sum and hit enter. Way Weird! I am using
Excel 2003

tim m

Did your autocalculation get turned off?

go to 'tools'....'options'....'calculation' and make sure the auto calc
check box is checked.

JR Hester

Experienced a similar issue a few weeks ago. I kept checking and rechecking
the "automatic" calculation check box in Tools>Options>Calculation with teh
same results you describe.

Finally I noticed that several worksheet tabs were lioght gray. Evidently I
had inadvertently selected multiple worksheets, and Excel will not perform an
automatic calculation while multiple worksheets are selected. HTH

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