Basic Future Value Formula & Interest Rate Formula



I need to figure out how to do two functions, the basic future value and the
basic interest rate formula. All I can find are annuity formulas where you
need to enter in a payment, but that is not what I need as there are no

Example 1 (Future Value): Such as on a financial calculator all I need to
enter would be the Present Value, the Interest Rate, and the # of Years to
find the future value.

Example 2 (Interest Rate): Again on a financial calculator where I would
only need to enter the Present Value, the Future Value, and the # of Years to
find what the interest rate or rate of return would be.



Peter said:
I need to figure out how to do two functions, the basic future value and the
basic interest rate formula. All I can find are annuity formulas where you
need to enter in a payment, but that is not what I need as there are no

Enter zero for the payment parameter.

Example 1 (Future Value): Such as on a financial calculator all I need to
enter would be the Present Value, the Interest Rate, and the # of Years to
find the future value.

=fv(a1, a2, 0, -a3)

where A1 is the annual interest rate, A2 is the number of years, and A3
is the present value. Note: This assumes annual compounding
Example 2 (Interest Rate): Again on a financial calculator where I would
only need to enter the Present Value, the Future Value, and the # of Years to
find what the interest rate or rate of return would be.

=rate(a2, 0, -a3, a4)

where A2 and A3 are as above, and A4 is the future value. Caveat:
Sometimes RATE() returns an error (#NUM!) if it cannot guesstimate the
interest rate. See the RATE() Help page to learn about the "guess"


=fv(a1, a2, 0, -a3)

where A1 is the annual interest rate, A2 is the number of years, and A3
is the present value.

I should have said "present value as a positive number". Often, the PV
is represented as a negative number. In that case, you want "a3", not
"-a3" above.

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