Basic Previewers did not install - Outlook only install of office



Am starting to install office Pro Plus, but only Outlook at this time due to
training constraints. Office 2003 is already installed, and after installing
Outlook 2007 the previewers for Word, etc... that normaly function with a
full install do not install/work. Is there any way to do this?

I am using a MSP to set preferences and install settings.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Susan Ramlet

Hi, BKW,

Nost sure what you mean by "basic previewers". What specifically is not
working? If you open a Word 2003 document after installing Outlook 2007,
what happens? Are you referring to using Word as your e-mail editor in

Susan Ramlet
MVP - Office

Please reply to the newsgroup. I cannot respond to private requests for
help. Besides, then the community doesn't benefit from your question!

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