Basic question - how does one use a 'nospam' email address topost?

  • Thread starter Bruce Young 88 sbc
  • Start date

Bruce Young 88 sbc

This may seem a silly or basic question,

Basic question - how does one use a 'nospam' email address to post?

I tried to create a dummy account to use, but my sbcglobal would not let it
post when I tried to 'send'/post it. I think because it requires

Is there some special name format that one can use which will work, and will
preserve the safety of a 'nospam' addressing?

Or is there some other way to post so that one's email address is readable
by humans but not by web spiders?


Diane Ross

This may seem a silly or basic question,

Basic question - how does one use a 'nospam' email address to post?

I tried to create a dummy account to use, but my sbcglobal would not let it
post when I tried to 'send'/post it. I think because it requires

Is there some special name format that one can use which will work, and will
preserve the safety of a 'nospam' addressing?

Or is there some other way to post so that one's email address is readable
by humans but not by web spiders?

To create an alternate send-only POP account to use as the email account for
the MS news server:

In Tools/Accounts/Mail, make a new POP account.
Enter your real name and a false email address.
Do not enter _anything_ in the POP mail server/receiving area.
Enter your real SMTP server in the sending area. (If your ISP requires
authentication, click "Advanced sending options, and enter your password
Click OK, and again when you're warned that you didn't enter any POP server.
Now in Accounts/News/Microsoft News Server, make this spoof account the
email account for the news account, and all will be fine.

Note 1: You can't actually send or receive regular email with this account.
Be sure not to include it in your Send & Receive schedule.

Note 2: Per RFC 2606, `.invalid' top level domain has been reserved and will
never be used for legitimate traffic. It should be appended to the end of
any email address that is not valid.

Example: (e-mail address removed)

Note 3: In your signature you should add <--fix this before replying

Example: (e-mail address removed) <--fix this before replying

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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