Basic Question on autocomplete function



Hi everyone, my first time on the forum and my first thread. I apologiz
if this is already located on the forum here. I tried searching, bu
came up with many unrelated threads so I thought I'd give this a shot.

I am trying to auto complete a link to another worksheet by corne
dragging a formula over a ROW in one worksheet FROM data in the COLUM
of another worksheet. In other words:

Worksheet 1: E9, F9, G9, should point to (respectively),
Worksheet 2: C2, C3, C4

The auto complete formula function does not recognize what I'm tryin
to do. And I have to do this with tens of thousands of cells. It woul
boil down to only a hundred rows or so if I could automate this.

Thanks for any help!

- excel noob

Roger Govier

As an alternative to Dave's suggestion, especially if there are going to
be a lot of formulae on the sheet, you could use the non-volatile Index
Enter in E9
Copy across and down as required

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