Basic Question - Please help



I have started using Project since last week only. I have a project
plan, but a resource has requested a days holiday. This is in the
middle of a task. How can I account for this in the plan please?

Ideally I want to avoid increasing the duration of the task but some
how account for the fact that the resource didn't work on it for a


Rob Schneider

Frankly, I would recommend you not worry about it. You've already
computed the plan and have set baselines etc.

Instead, ask the resourse to assure you that despite taking this
unplanned holiday they still will complete the assigned task on time.

When you progress the task with actual work, you'll just likely show
less time actually worked, no work on that day, etc. Lack of progress
should push out the computed finish date without having to "account" for
the holiday.

Keep it simple.


Jim Aksel

Change the task type to "Fixed Duration." To get there, I use
Window/Split... and change the task type in the bottom pane; you now have a
fixed duration task it will end on the day scheduled.

That said, you have to ask yourself some questions. Can the amount of work
on this task be reduced by 8 hours and still have it complete on time? If
yes, then reduce the *remaining* work (insert that column) by 8 hours.

To be "official" you also need to make the resource not available on that
day. I am going to assume you are using Project 2007. Go to the Resource
Sheet (View/Resource Sheet..) and double click on the resource name.

On the General tab, select "Change Working Time..."
Add an Exception (pull the Exception tab if needed) for the date the worker
will not be available.

It may whine about the task duration, etc. Just accept what ever it tells
you and then go back and adjust the task duration/work as needed from the
split Gantt view.

When you are done, you may wish to set the task type back to fixed units.

If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:

Jim Aksel

Of course :) Thanks. Always more than one way to skin the cat.

As one of my professors once said, "But my method is more obscure..."

Steve House

How can you NOT increase the elaped time? The task is to make 100 widgets
and the resource makes 20 per day. The task takes 5 days. Now he takes one
day off in the middle of the task. Between the original start date and
original end date he's now only working 4 days and in 4 days he can only
make 80 widgets. He still has to make another 20 so it's going to take him
an other day to finish the task. Tasks don't last until you have used a
certain period of time, they last until you build the required deliverable.

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