Basic Scheduling question



I have two resources in one of my tasks in the schedule : X and Y.
X has baseline work against his name as per the schedule while Y has actual
work - which means X was scheduled to be working but Y is working instead.

Now I want to delete resource X from the schedule since he is not working. I
tried lots of things (like changing the allocation, changing the baseline
work assignment etc) but I cannot figure out a way to do this without
affecting either the % complete or the duration of the schedule.

Logically there should not be any change to the schedule because everything
else is the same.

Any ideas on how to achieve this?


Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


Use the split screen view with the Task form in the bottom pane, select the
Resource Work view in the lower pane and set the remaining work for the
original resource to 0, and add the remaining work to the new resource's
planned work if necessary to compensate. That will preserve the actual work
history, including actual work by the first resource, and shift the burden
to complete to the new resource. After doing this in Project, you should
republish the task assignments.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

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Thanks for your response Gary! But, it didn't work. It increased the duration
of the task. What went wrong?

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


There are other aspects of the task that you must also control such as: Task
type, Effort Driven, Resource Units on the assignment. If the two resources
were previously working in parallel, and now only one resource will be
scheduled to do the combined work of the two, one would expect duration to
increase. What were you expecting to happen? Better still, what do you want
to happen?


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

For Project Server FAQs visit

For Project FAQs visit



I understand that. My problem is-Originally there was only one resource on
the task scheduled. Now I want this resource to be subsituted by another
resource. Something like this...

Actual Hours Remaining Hours Baseline Work
ABC 0 hrs 0 hrs 30 hrs
XYZ 20 hrs 0 hrs 0 hrs

I want ABC out of the schedule now..



Sorry, that was a bad example. A more accurate one with remaining work would
ABC-0 hrs,5 hrs
XYZ-20 hrs,0 hrs
No matter what I do, I cant help but increase either the duration or work -
even if the units (no of hours each resource works on task) is increased.
Also, the task type is fixed work. It is effort driven.

Please help!

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