Basic SUM not calculating


mercedes king

I was asked to look at a few files the other day and
simple though it seems, I'm stumped!
They consist of columns of numbers (only - no commas, $
signs etc) and the totals are to appear at the bottom of
each column.
I checked the formula and it's correct as far as I see:
=SUM(A1:A20) for example... with the total being in A21
The total shows (from previous entries) but now the
formula has stopped working so if you add another number
or change a number, it doesn't reflect in the total.
I tried re-entering the formula as I know this has worked
in the past but it didn't work this time.
Is the file corrupt? Does it have to be re-created from
scratch? Or is there something else I can do?
Thanks so much.

Jerry W. Lewis

Verify that "Automatic" is checked in the Calculation section

Verify that none of your "numbers" are text (which is ignored by SUM()).
will give you the number of cells that Excel recognizes as numbers.


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