Batch import content with each item in a new page from Info Select export



For many years I used "info select" and
it was great. I still like some things but want to move all of my
information into OneNote.

For each note in Info Select that I export I want to import into a notebook
section with a new page for each note and preferably the page title is the
note line one. We are talking about 10,000 notes in all but in separate
files in Info Select so imports will probably max out at 2000 notes for a

Google has not yielded any joy yet.

It has limited export function but here is what I have achieved.

Export each note as a basic html file so each item opened just shows text in
my browser, notes are very small in size but sometimes up to a page long.

Example note as it displays in my browser then the HTML file contents

Quality control

Identify and categorize recall reasons.

Develop procedure for reducing no charge jobs.

<html><head><LINK REL=stylesheet HREF='is.css'>

<script src='Data.js'></script>
<script for=window event=onresize>UpdateAlignedToClient();</script>
<script for=window event=onload>UpdateAlignedToClient();</script>
<body topmargin=1 leftmargin=2 bottommargin=1 rightmargin=1 scroll=yes
bgcolor=#F0F0F0 >
<DIV id="10" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFFFF;BORDER:solid 2px
#FFFFFF;WIDTH:100%;HEIGHT:100%;"><table border=0 cellspacing=1
style="width:100%;height:100%;"><tr><TD style="
" valign=top>25/09/97<BR>Quality control<BR><BR>Identify and categorize
recall reasons.<BR><BR>Develop procedure for reducing no charge jobs.</TD>

Export as a delimited file, you can use anything as a delimiter.

Eg the standard is one line feeds then -- between each note. I can change
the delimiter and I did to a comma but failed to import in any meaningful
way to excel as a CSV file I believe because notes are multi lined and vary
in size.


Note 1 test
Note 1 Line 2
Note 1 Line 3

Note 2 test
Text 2 Line 2
Text 2 Line 3
More text

Note spaces at times and each note varies in size but a line feed and
delimiter then separate in the text file

Note 3 test
more text

Any ideas appreciated.

The only other options are just complete DOC file but no delimiter.

I know I am asking a lot of questions but just trying to get my life
organized and all in one place.

Thanks for the fast responses here.


Thanks John,

Unfortunately it will only export either notes one at a time to text or all
in one very large text document

I tried using excel 2007 to import but the best I get is one cell per line
not the whole sentence or paragraph in one cell.

That is a note is made up of many lines of varying number but imported into
excel each line goes in a cell. I am having trouble working out how to split
this file. I can export with any delimiter. I used the tide mark hoping that
would help since comma and tabs are already in the notes ~

My email is public, I can send you one of the smaller files if you contact
me, I don't want to put it online due to confidentiality. Perhaps I could
make a new notebook and put that up in public.'



John, no unable to export as separate files except if I did it one note at a
time. I used it for about 5 years taking notes so there are a lot. It
exports them as one file. Ok after way too much time I have worked out a
very complicated procedure to remove paragraph marks and some other stuff
in work and resaved the file as a CSV. It now opens in Excel all the text
for each note in one cell so I have a very long row 1 with though sands of

I now need to know to export the cells to indiviual files now or something I
can import into Excel. I still have some issues like notes with words
merging as I have not worked how to strip out what I have without loosing a
few spaces.

Any ideas.


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