Batch print question



Access 97 & 2002.

I want to print a selection of progress notes, each note has an unique
ProgNote_ID. The report is bound to a query with the date-range set by the
user via a form. I would prefer running this as a single report based on
this query of multiple records, rather than using code to scroll through the
records and open the report for each record. (This latter method works and
by using the reports normal page functions produces the desired results, but
seems to overtax resources. Printing a batch 50 progress notes via opening
the report 50 times occasionally results in missing notes, or notes out of
the correct sorting order).

The report uses a Group Header and Group Footer for ProgNote_ID, with page
advance after the ProgNote_ID Footer.

Fields from the query include: (simplified)
ProgressNoteDetails -- Memo field, Can Grow -yes

I would like the individual progress notes to print out differently
depending on whether the individual progress note within this batch of, say,
50 notes requires one, or more than one page. (The size of
ProgressNoteDetails will determine this).

ClientName and DateOfService should appear at the top of each page of a
progress note, regardless of whether the individual note requires one, or
more than one page.

If a particular progress note requires only one page, then UnitsBilled will
be visible at the top of the page, along with StaffName at the bottom of the

If a particular progress note requires more than one page, then UnitsBilled
will be visible on the first page, but not on succeeding pages. Instead, a
label will be visible and indicate that this page is a continuation of that
specific progress note (ideally, something like "page 2 of 2", etc.).

A reverse of this for StaffName -- visible at the bottom of the page on a
single-page progress note and only on the last page of a multiple-page
progress note (no label required on the first page of a multiple-page note).

I guess essentially I'm looking for a "[page] of [pages]" for each progress
note, rather than the report's overall "[page] of [pages]" . Or (it just
occurred to me), maybe in the OnFormat or OnPrint events using the size of
the detail section for each Progress_ID? ... if it exceeds a certain value,
then it must be a multiple-page note???

Thanks for any help.

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