bates numbers on a page



I want to create a series of pages to place between
documents to be scanned into a database. I want one
number per page. I want the first page to be 1-00001 and
the second page to bear the number 1-00002, etc. I would
like to be able to change the first number to correspond
with the number of the box from which the document was
taken so that documents taken from the second box would be
2-00001 etc. How can I do this short of manually typing
each number on a separate page?

Charles Kenyon

Use a header(footer) with a page number in it. If you need it somewhere in
the middle of the page, use a textbox to hold your Page field.

Format your page number to be your Bates number. For the second batch,
insert a section break (new page) and edit the header in that section.
Before making any changes, make sure that "Same as Previous" is off in the
header/footer toolbar.


Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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