I am using an internet email account and want to leave copies of my sent
items on the internet account rather than my local hard drive (in case I need
to access from an airport or another PC). Outlook 2007 lets me set up a copy
location on the internet email account, but experience has shown me that this
can mean two copies of my email are sent to the internet email account -
twice as slow.
Using another client (Thunderbird), I can set up a default BCC to my sent
items folder on my internet email account.
I want each new eamil to have a default copy to a specified address. How do
I do this in Outlook 2007 ? Do I need to edit the standard forms?
Sorry for the long post...
items on the internet account rather than my local hard drive (in case I need
to access from an airport or another PC). Outlook 2007 lets me set up a copy
location on the internet email account, but experience has shown me that this
can mean two copies of my email are sent to the internet email account -
twice as slow.
Using another client (Thunderbird), I can set up a default BCC to my sent
items folder on my internet email account.
I want each new eamil to have a default copy to a specified address. How do
I do this in Outlook 2007 ? Do I need to edit the standard forms?
Sorry for the long post...