BCM 2007 Print Full comments in reports

  • Thread starter jointtechnologiesltd
  • Start date


I have Business Contact Manager 2007 hosted on SBS2003 with SQL2005.
5 users connected to it. I have MS Accounting located on the SBS as
well and the databases are combined.

I have what I would think would be simple problems. However I have
been on the phone with MS PSS for about a total of 15 hours with no

We have a service business. We type up exactly what we did onsite in
the comment section of the task/calendar entry. When they data is
sent to Accounting it only picks up the Subject line to put on the
invoice as a line item. OK. not what I want but no worse than
Quickbooks. Its not a big text field.

So me thinks, I'll just do it the old way we did with our old CRM and
print out a list of all task/calendar items with comments sorted by

So I go to report view in bcm and modify the report to display the
comments. Guess what. Only shows about 256 characters and then (..).

My clients are used to seeing the entire log of what we did onsite so
I need to attach the worklogs(task/calendar items) to the invoice
accounting spits out with subject lines.

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