BCM and Exchange server



I just got a new computer with vista home premium. I also bought office 2007
small business (just so i could have outlook w/BCM). I have set up all my
email accounts and one is on an exchange server.
My question is can i use BCM? It was on my outlook but now it is gone!? I
tried to google some info on it but most of the things that came up were for
outlook 2003 and they all basically said you cant use BCM with an exchange
server. Is this true for office 2007. what do i need to do to get it

mrtimpeterson via OfficeKB.com


You can obviously use your Outlook 2007 client with an Exchange server and it
can "co-exist" on the same machine if you also have the Outlook BCM add-in.
However, although they share the same UI, BCM uses a different db from the
native Outlook data items and BCM cannot share any data via Exchange.



thanks! i understand, but i can not get BCM to work. i did make another
outlook profile just to make sure BMC was properly installed and it works
fine on my other profile.
when i go to the tool bar and select help and then select "configure BCM" it
brings up a the first screen where you select the data base, but after that
the screen just fades away and nothing happends????

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