BCM Beta 2 - How to import my old data



Hello All:

I know I should have backed up my BCM data or exported it prior to
installing the BETA, but unfortunately I didn't. Now I want to simply import
the BCM data I had in the earlier version of Outlook / BCM, but I can't find

I down loaded the Office Beta and click to install all products except
Outlook. Once the install was complete I attempted to launch Outlook 2003
and an error appeared (something about conflicting dll's) and instructed me
to reinstall Outlook. Instead of reinstalling the older version, I installed
the new Beta 2. Once the installation was complete I could see all the email
that was previously in my inbox, etc., as well as my contacts in Outlook, but
could not see any BCM info. So, I then downloaded and installed the BCM Beta.

Once everything was installed I open Outlook & BCM, but no data was found.
When I attempted to import the old data I can't find it or an option on the
import wizard to import an MDF file.

Any suggestions



Whereever the first DB was installed, search for *.bcm. By default, on a
non-shared install, the BCM database writes to My Documents I think unless
you changed the location. Did you install the Beta BCM with a new DB and a
new DB name? If you used the same name, it might have overwritten, not sure,
not at my iBeta nstall right now. But searching for *.bcm will turn up
whatever DBs you have on machine or network.


..BCM files are exported files.

BCM database files are sql database files and end in .MDF.
They usually (at least on windows xp) are kept in this folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Business Contact Manager

To continue using your old database use menu BCM|Database Tools|Create
or Select a Database and select your old database. It should then
migrate your database to v3. If you think you may prefer to return to
BCM v2 after experimenting with the beta, be sure to make a backup of
your current database file--copy your .MDF file to a new name.

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