BCM for Job Search Tracking?



Has anyone used Business Contact Manager for tracking a job search? I'm very
familiar with Outlook but know almost nothing about BCM, frankly...except
that I bought it w/ Office. :-S

An Excel spreadsheet seems the "classic" and perhaps still the best option,
but a little bit of automation, reminders, etc., may help. Of course, if
it's more difficult to setup and maintain, diminshing returns may ome quickly.

If somone does have a solution, please include some details about how to set
up such a thing. Thanks in advance for your expertise.

TRAC Job Developer

I'm a Job Developer which means I maintain records of both job seekers and
employers. At my last post, I used ACT! which was the most robust contact
manager available and BCM wasn't available at the time. I became pretty good
with ACT! but I was the only one in the office who used it - a fact which
worked against me as my boss wanted to standardize platforms and

BCM has proven to be up to the tasks. I especially like the historical
reports. Now, if only the damn SQL didn't slow my admittedly old computer to
a digital crawl...

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