BCM on Axim X50V

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Remove ABCD from Email address to reply

I was running Outlook 2003 w/BCM with XP Pro on my laptop and running BCM on
my Axim X50V (with 2003 second edition) and everything was fine. I upgraded
to Outlook 2007 on my laptop and was then having problems syncing with Axim.
I reinstalled ActiveSync 4.5 but that did not help. I then uninstalled BCM
on Axim and tried reinstalling. When I try to install the latest version
for PPC (dated in April 2007 and says for Outlook 2003 & 2007) I get an
error message when it tries to install on the Axim. The error message says
"Business Contact does not support the connected device type. Application
Manager will make the application available for installation when a
supported device type is connected."

Does anyone have an idea how I can install BCM on my Axim. Does the new
version not work with 2003 second edition? Please help.


Hello Neil,

I cannot really help to solve your problem, but I can tell you, that OL/BCM
2007, Win XP and the AddOn for PPC _DO_ work together - at least on my HP
PocketPC 2003SE.

I kept it running the followiong way: I had OL/BCM 2003, Win XP and the
AddOn for PPC v1 on my Pocket PC 2003SE installed, and everything was
perfectly fine. Then I did an UPGRADE installation to OL/BCM 2007, and still
everything was fine.

Maybe it causes problems if you installe OL/BCM2007 from scratch....?

Wolf@Berlin, Germany

Remove ABCD from Email address to reply

Thanks for the info. You were helpful because I was concerned that 2007 BCM
for PPC would not work on 2003 SE. My upgrade procedure was the same as
yours but I had problems with sync. I guess at this point I will check with
the Axim forum to see if there is any info since it appears the only
difference between your installation and mine is that you are an HP Ipaq and
I am using a Dell Axim.

Remove ABCD from Email address to reply

Okay, I figured part of my problem. This latest version of PPC BCM 2003 &
2007 is only for Windows 2005, nor 2003SE.

I have now reinstalled the older version of BCM for PPC. I now have the
same problem I had before the sync does not work right. Sync from PC to PPC
seems to work but from the PPC to the PC does not work (some things work
like adding new contact, but if I change the details on the PPC it will not
transfer to PC as an example.

Would appreciate any help.

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