BCM Version 2 reports, sorting mixed up?



I just installed BCM Version 2, the giant update that was actually available
end of last year, but somehow just arrived as a "recommended update" for my

-VERSION 1. Am I right that in version 1, the old reliable "Business
Contact History" report (name, phone, address, email, phone calls and notes
in date order) is SORTED by listing most recent contact first (lets say 4pm
5/23/06), then kept going until it listed oldest reports at the end of the
printout (let's say 1/6/2004)?

-VERSION 2. Am I right that in version 2, this has been reversed... the old
reliable "Business Contact History" report (name, phone, address, email,
phone calls and notes in date order) is SORTED by 'oldest first' (like
1/6/2004)...then goes through lots of pages until it gets to the the last
page as the most recent contact (like 4pm 5/23/06)?

-HOW FIX. If so... is there "any" way to fix this? When I do this report,
it "flashes" something about sort order across the top menu, then that
disappears. I can't find anywhere how to put the most recent contact
history first (just behind name/address/phone/etc.).

-IF HARD CODED, then this is a giant shortcoming. Almost every business
professional I know who has is responsible for contacting/managing people
and selling/managing consulting projects needs just the first few pages of
most recent history to make a call. That used to be a quick print, if I
recall correctly. It's (now) a mixed up mess to print, for instance, 30
pages just to get the last 3-4 pages off the back as "most recent". And
"selectively" printing first page, then last pages, sure, but that just adds
more steps, more time, each time.


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