BCWS Calculation



As Microsoft Project doesn’t save baselines without changing the start and
finish dates , I’m working on the construction of a VBA macro that
recalculates the baseline costs for earned value calculations to the projects
that unfortunately had already been saved their baselines without resource
cost allocations. The VBA code seems to be working fine, but the problem is
that for unknown reason, even if all baseline fields related to costs and
work fields were calculated correctly for resource and tasks objects, the
BCWS field remains with no value, and this field seems to be protected
because of automatic calculation linked to the status date. What could be
happening for BCWS remains with zeros if there's already work and cost values
on baseline in tasks and resources fields?

Andrew Lavinsky

BCWS is a snapshot of the Scheduled Cost as of the status date. First thing
I would check is whether or not the status date is set correctly.

Open the project, and go to Project Information, Status Date to check. Play
w/ that and see if your fields populate.


Jim Aksel

BCWS only registers between the baseline start/finish dates. If you have
actuals, you can pefer your BCWP (that is, claim it early) by entering an
Actual Start date in the task.ActualStart property. So, no matter how early
you register work/costs you will not register BCWS until
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Andrew Lavinsky

Didn't read carefully. See you've already considered that one.....let me
revise my answer to I dunno.





Many thanks, but had considered the StatusDate>BaselineStart, and I've
forgotten to mention that BCWP was zeroed as well, and besides, for EVMS
purposes it's really important to have BCWS working fine. Somehow, it seems
that MSP has another object or properties for baseline cost and work for
resources, because I noticed that in the MSP's Resource Usage View, there's
no values for baseline costs and works for each columns presented on the
timescale, but my VBA routine has updated the baseline work and cost in the
ActiveProject.Tasks(count).Assignments and ActiveProject.Tasks properly,
because MSP shows correcty the baseline costs and works columns on the Task
Usage and Trackin Gannt views. Have I forgotten any other baseline object
property for updating?

Jim Aksel

You may want to look at FAQ#37 in the link below my name. Go to FAQ.
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Unfortunately FAQ #37 didn’t help much, because I’m not using custom fields
in my VBA routine. Maybe if you take a look on the code bellow it’ll be more

Public Sub UpdateBaselineCosts()
Dim Temp As Long, A As Assignment
Dim TaskName As String, Assigned As String, Results As String
Dim Tarefa As Task, TBDur As Double, AC_TBWork As Double, AC_TBCost As
Double, AC_TBDur As Double
Dim AC_PBWork As Double, AC_PBCost As Double, AC_PBDur As Double
Dim RBWork As Double, RBCost As Double
Dim objResource As Resource, Rateio As Double, CustoUso As Double
Dim NumRec As Integer, I As Integer
Dim VT_RName() As String
Dim VT_RWork() As Double
Dim VT_RCost() As Double

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

NumRec = ActiveProject.Resources.Count

ReDim VT_RName(NumRec)
ReDim VT_RWork(NumRec)
ReDim VT_RCost(NumRec)

I = 1
For Each objResource In ActiveProject.Resources
Rateio = Val(objResource.StandardRate)
CustoUso = Val(objResource.CostPerUse)
VT_RName(I) = objResource.Name
VT_RWork(I) = 0
VT_RCost(I) = 0
I = I + 1
Next objResource

AC_PBCost = 0
AC_PBDur = 0
AC_PBWork = 0

For Temp = 1 To ActiveProject.Tasks.Count
TBDur =
Application.DateDifference(ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineStart, _
ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineFinish) / 60
AC_TBCost = 0
AC_TBDur = 0
AC_TBWork = 0

For Each A In ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).Assignments
RBWork = TBDur * A.Units * 60
RBCost = (TBDur * Rateio) + CustoUso
A.BaselineWork = RBWork
A.BaselineCost = RBCost
A.Duration1 = TBDur * Rateio
A.BaselineStart = ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineStart
A.BaselineFinish = ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineFinish

AC_TBDur = AC_TBDur + TBDur
AC_TBCost = AC_TBCost + RBCost
AC_TBWork = AC_TBWork + RBWork

AC_PBDur = AC_PBDur + TBDur
AC_PBCost = AC_PBCost + RBCost
AC_PBWork = AC_PBWork + RBWork

For I = 1 To NumRec
If (Trim(VT_RName(I)) = Trim(A.ResourceName)) Then
Exit For
End If
Next I

VT_RWork(I) = VT_RWork(I) + RBWork
VT_RCost(I) = VT_RCost(I) + RBCost
Next A

ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineDuration = AC_TBDur * 60
ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineCost = AC_TBCost
ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineWork = AC_TBWork

Next Temp

ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.BaselineCost = AC_PBCost
ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.BaselineWork = AC_PBWork

I = 1
For Each objResource In ActiveProject.Resources
objResource.BaselineCost = VT_RCost(I)
objResource.BaselineWork = VT_RWork(I)
I = I + 1
Next objResource

If Err.Number = 91 Then
Resume Next
End If

End Sub




Complementing my last reply, I’ve just discovered how to solve the problem.
The main issue is TimeScaleData method from Task and Resource objects. So,
I’ve just included a brief routine considering a simple 8 hours/day for each
task and resource, and that’s it, it works! Now I can use SPI and CPI index.

Bellow is the code example for the ones who are interested in. With this
code, projects that have already started without resource cost and time
allocation to each task, can have the baseline costs and work values updated
without the problem of the MSP’s “Save Baseline†operation that simply throws
Work values over the original baseline, changing all original baseline data
(work, costs, start date and finish date).

- The following code is due for support proposals only.
- It’s just recommended for the ones who have a comprehensive knowledge in
VB programming. So, take a close look in the code in order to understand what
it’s made for before running it on a test project.
- I’m not responsible for any problem on projects caused by unexpected
reasons. Run the code on a test project, then analyze all baseline fields
carefully before using it on a real project.

Public Sub UpdateBaselineCosts()
‘This routine updates the Baseline Work and Cost values of all tasks,
without changing
‘the original baseline values (start date, finish date) in order to make
Earned Value
‘fields (SPI, CPI, BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, etc) working properly
‘and based on the resource allocations for each task updated after the
baseline has ‘already been saved.

Dim Temp As Long, A As Assignment
Dim TaskName As String, Assigned As String, Results As String
Dim Tarefa As Task, TBDur As Double, AC_TBWork As Double, AC_TBCost As
Double, AC_TBDur As Double
Dim AC_PBWork As Double, AC_PBCost As Double, AC_PBDur As Double
Dim RBWork As Double, RBCost As Double
Dim objResource As Resource, Rateio As Double, CustoUso As Double
Dim NumRec As Integer, i As Integer
Dim VT_RName() As String
Dim VT_RWork() As Double
Dim VT_RCost() As Double
Dim tsv As TimeScaleValue
Dim tsvsWork As TimeScaleValues
Dim tsvsBaselineWork As TimeScaleValues
Dim tsvsBaselineCost As TimeScaleValues
Dim idx As Long

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

NumRec = ActiveProject.Resources.Count

ReDim VT_RName(NumRec)
ReDim VT_RWork(NumRec)
ReDim VT_RCost(NumRec)

i = 1
For Each objResource In ActiveProject.Resources
Rateio = Val(objResource.StandardRate)
CustoUso = Val(objResource.CostPerUse)
VT_RName(i) = objResource.Name
VT_RWork(i) = 0
VT_RCost(i) = 0
i = i + 1
Next objResource

AC_PBCost = 0
AC_PBDur = 0
AC_PBWork = 0

For Temp = 1 To ActiveProject.Tasks.Count
TBDur =
Application.DateDifference(ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineStart, _
ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineFinish) / 60
AC_TBCost = 0
AC_TBDur = 0
AC_TBWork = 0

For Each A In ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).Assignments
RBWork = TBDur * A.Units * 60
RBCost = (TBDur * Rateio) + CustoUso
A.BaselineWork = RBWork
A.BaselineCost = RBCost
A.Duration1 = TBDur * Rateio
A.BaselineStart = ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineStart
A.BaselineFinish = ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineFinish

AC_TBDur = AC_TBDur + TBDur
AC_TBCost = AC_TBCost + RBCost
AC_TBWork = AC_TBWork + RBWork

AC_PBDur = AC_PBDur + TBDur
AC_PBCost = AC_PBCost + RBCost
AC_PBWork = AC_PBWork + RBWork

'Buscando o recurso alocado na tarefa no vetor de recursos
For i = 1 To NumRec
If (Trim(VT_RName(i)) = Trim(A.ResourceName)) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i

VT_RWork(i) = VT_RWork(i) + RBWork
VT_RCost(i) = VT_RCost(i) + RBCost

If (Not ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).Milestone) Then
'Atualizando Task(Temp) no TimeScaledData
With A
Set tsvsBaselineWork = .TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=.BaselineStart, _
EndDate:=.BaselineFinish, _
Type:=pjAssignmentTimescaledBaselineWork, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleDays, Count:=1)
End With

With A
Set tsvsBaselineCost = .TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=.BaselineStart, _
EndDate:=.BaselineFinish, _
Type:=pjAssignmentTimescaledBaselineCost, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleDays, Count:=1)
End With

'Atualizando Baseline Work TimeScaledData
For Each tsv In tsvsBaselineWork
idx = tsv.Index
If (Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 1 And _
Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 7) Then
tsv.Value = RBWork / (TBDur * Rateio) * 8
End If
Next tsv

'Atualizando Baseline Costs TimeScaledData
For Each tsv In tsvsBaselineCost
idx = tsv.Index
'tsv.Value = 60 * tsv.Index
If (Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 1 And _
Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 7) Then
tsv.Value = RBCost / ((TBDur * Rateio) / 8)
End If
Next tsv
End If

Next A

ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineDuration = AC_TBDur * 60
ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineCost = AC_TBCost
ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).BaselineWork = AC_TBWork

If (Not ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).Milestone) Then
'Atualizando Task(Temp) no TimeScaledData
With ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp)
Set tsvsBaselineWork = .TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=.BaselineStart, _
EndDate:=.BaselineFinish, _
Type:=pjTaskTimescaledBaselineWork, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleDays, Count:=1)
End With

With ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp)
Set tsvsBaselineCost = .TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=.BaselineStart, _
EndDate:=.BaselineFinish, _
Type:=pjTaskTimescaledBaselineCost, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleDays, Count:=1)
End With

'Atualizando Baseline Work TimeScaledData
For Each tsv In tsvsBaselineWork
idx = tsv.Index
If (Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 1 And _
Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 7) Then
tsv.Value = AC_TBWork / AC_TBDur * 8
End If
Next tsv

'Atualizando Baseline Costs TimeScaledData
For Each tsv In tsvsBaselineCost
idx = tsv.Index
'tsv.Value = 60 * tsv.Index
If (Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 1 And _
Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 7) Then
tsv.Value = AC_TBCost / (AC_TBDur / 8)
End If
Next tsv
End If

Next Temp

'Atribuindo os valores totais à tarefa de sumário do projeto
ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.BaselineCost = AC_PBCost
ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.BaselineWork = AC_PBWork

'Atualizando Task(Temp) no TimeScaledData
With ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask
Set tsvsBaselineWork = .TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=.BaselineStart, _
EndDate:=.BaselineFinish, _
Type:=pjTaskTimescaledBaselineWork, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleDays, Count:=1)
End With

With ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask
Set tsvsBaselineCost = .TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=.BaselineStart, _
EndDate:=.BaselineFinish, _
Type:=pjTaskTimescaledBaselineCost, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleDays, Count:=1)
End With

'Atualizando Baseline Work TimeScaledData
For Each tsv In tsvsBaselineWork
idx = tsv.Index
If (Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 1 And _
Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 7) Then
tsv.Value = AC_TBWork / AC_TBDur * 8
End If
Next tsv

'Atualizando Baseline Costs TimeScaledData
For Each tsv In tsvsBaselineCost
idx = tsv.Index
'tsv.Value = 60 * tsv.Index
If (Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 1 And _
Weekday(tsvsBaselineWork.Item(idx).StartDate) <> 7) Then
tsv.Value = AC_TBCost / (AC_TBDur / 8)
End If
Next tsv

i = 1
For Each objResource In ActiveProject.Resources
objResource.BaselineCost = VT_RCost(i)
objResource.BaselineWork = VT_RWork(i)
i = i + 1
Next objResource

If Err.Number = 91 Then
Resume Next
End If

If Err.Number = 6 Then
'É um milestone, sem duração!
Resume Next
End If

End Sub

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