Be honest with yourself



I registered with a new nick-name for not influencing your
choice, and to be free in your decision

After three years in Iraq.
After thousands of dead and injured soldiers; and still counting.
After billions of dollars spent, not on rebuilding Iraq, but on the war
itself; and still counting.

One would pause for a minute and ask oneself with complete honesty;
Shall we get out of Iraq?

Consider this as a poll and vote with sincerity;
Shall we get out of Iraq?


I will leave the choice up to the man who I voted into office. I voted that
way because I trust him. Maybe if others would trust him as well, instead of
always going against him, this war would be over much sooner. And before you
say I don't know what its like in Iraq, keep this in mind; I've been there,
too, and my brother is currently. Trust the president. He knows more than
we do. It's his job to be informed.

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