I registered with a new nick-name for not influencing your
choice, and to be free in your decision
After three years in Iraq.
After thousands of dead and injured soldiers; and still counting.
After billions of dollars spent, not on rebuilding Iraq, but on the war
itself; and still counting.
One would pause for a minute and ask oneself with complete honesty;
Shall we get out of Iraq?
Consider this as a poll and vote with sincerity;
Shall we get out of Iraq?
choice, and to be free in your decision
After three years in Iraq.
After thousands of dead and injured soldiers; and still counting.
After billions of dollars spent, not on rebuilding Iraq, but on the war
itself; and still counting.
One would pause for a minute and ask oneself with complete honesty;
Shall we get out of Iraq?
Consider this as a poll and vote with sincerity;
Shall we get out of Iraq?