BE question



I am constantly asked to make slight changes in forms while developing. I
rolled out a new form and the users want this moved and that moved or one
little slight adjustment here and there or a new field added. My problem is,
I can't add a new field in a BE linked table while the users are in it. I
either have to catch my BE early in the morning before users get on or late
in the afternoon after they are gone. Is there any way to force a save of the
BE while users are in it? Thanks so much!!!!

Jerry Whittle

I often add spare text (255), number (double), yes/no, and date fields to
tables when developing a new database for just that reason. This works well
especially when the end user is far, far away.

John W. Vinson

I am constantly asked to make slight changes in forms while developing. I
rolled out a new form and the users want this moved and that moved or one
little slight adjustment here and there or a new field added. My problem is,
I can't add a new field in a BE linked table while the users are in it. I
either have to catch my BE early in the morning before users get on or late
in the afternoon after they are gone. Is there any way to force a save of the
BE while users are in it? Thanks so much!!!!

That's why it's really important to get the backend (table structures and
relationships) done right *first*, ideally before any user data is entered at
all. I realize this is sometimes not possible; but in general, "adding a new
field" should be a rare and exceptional event, much rarer than changing the
layout or structure of a form!

In some cases it's even prudent to include Userfield1, Userfield2, Userfield3
in an inital table design to allow for future expansion. I try to avoid this
but it's helped in the process of prototyping and finishing up the design of

Tony Toews [MVP]

John W. Vinson said:
That's why it's really important to get the backend (table structures and
relationships) done right *first*, ideally before any user data is entered at
all. I realize this is sometimes not possible; but in general, "adding a new
field" should be a rare and exceptional event, much rarer than changing the
layout or structure of a form!

Thankfully I'm a night owl then. I never, ever get the tables and
relationships right and an continually updating them after hours..

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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For a convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files
updated see
Granite Fleet Manager

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