been around excel for awhile but... how


Mike Hutchinson

I have my own time sheet I have done in excel.
Enter start time in one cell, the end time in another cell and excel
totals total time putting the result in a nother cell.
then a running time is kept in yet another cell.

problem is if my start time is say 10 pm (and I work for 2 hours) the
end time is 12 am the result is -22.00 hours.
The result should be 2.00 hours.
How can I get around this?

Dan E

If he started at 10:00 pm and worked for 2 hours, I should hope it wouldn't
be noon, if it were, he'd have a whole new bag of problems!

Dan E

Mike Hutchinson

yeh I made a mistake
I mean 10 pm
if I enter 12 am I get -22 hours when I wanted 2 hours

Paul Corrado

Oops, my bad. Just assumed that the work day started in the morning. Gotta
pay attention.

Answer is you have to add one

Though I've found this logical argument usually gets it right.

Finish time - Start Time + (finish<start)



Now my 2 seconds worth...

I use =IF(C11="","",IF(C11<B11,C11-B11+1,C11-B11)) in D11
With B11 & C11 formatted Time AM/PM and D11 formatted Time without AM/PM



beautifull! Thanks
My output is formated as a number to 2 decimal places.
I modified it
=IF(C111="","",IF(C111<B111,C111-B111+1,C111-B111)* 24)
this way I get decimal hours to determine how many hours billing time.
With this... if work from 10 pm to 12 am (midnight) I get 2 hours!!!! Bingo

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