I need to check to make sure that all necessary data is entered prior to the
receiving checkbox being checked. So, I have the following code to check to
make sure that combo [RECEIVING INSPECTION] is filled-in first. If it is NOT
filled in, I want to make sure that the user can NOT check the checkbox [rma
My problem is that the backend is a MySQL database. And therefore there
seems to be some sort of conflict with MsAccess and MySQL. Anyhow it is
giving me this error:
"Write Conflict
This record has been chagned by another user since you started editing it.
If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.
Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look a the values the
other user entered, and the paste your changes back in if you decide to make
Here is my code now:
Private Sub RMA_RECEIVED_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me![rma received] = False Then
INSPECTION].Value <> "") Then
Cancel = True
Me![rma received] = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Any one has any clue on how I can solve this? Any pointers are very much
receiving checkbox being checked. So, I have the following code to check to
make sure that combo [RECEIVING INSPECTION] is filled-in first. If it is NOT
filled in, I want to make sure that the user can NOT check the checkbox [rma
My problem is that the backend is a MySQL database. And therefore there
seems to be some sort of conflict with MsAccess and MySQL. Anyhow it is
giving me this error:
"Write Conflict
This record has been chagned by another user since you started editing it.
If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.
Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look a the values the
other user entered, and the paste your changes back in if you decide to make
Here is my code now:
Private Sub RMA_RECEIVED_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me![rma received] = False Then
INSPECTION].Value <> "") Then
Cancel = True
Me![rma received] = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Any one has any clue on how I can solve this? Any pointers are very much