Beginner - One Note



I want to make sure it's okay to install a purchased copy of one note on both
my home computer and my work laptop. If so is the registration process still
the same (internet or phone). Want to make sure before I do it.


James Gockel

The registration process is the same, and yes you have the right to install
it one for mobile use, and one for home use. As long as you are going to be
the one using it.
I'm sure you'll enjoy onenote.


Thanks James!

James Gockel said:
The registration process is the same, and yes you have the right to install
it one for mobile use, and one for home use. As long as you are going to be
the one using it.
I'm sure you'll enjoy onenote.


I'm scratching my head and trying to figure out why I would install it on my
home PC since it is for a tablet PC? If it's a good idea, I will, but my
home unit is just a 'regular' PC with no pen capabilities. Will that enable
it to take a file from my tablet without emailing it to myself like I
currently do?

Do you know where the One-note tips and tricks video is? I tried to click
it on another post but I only get a page not found message.


Thanks, I found the 'sales' ones on the website, but couldn't find this one.
I wanted one that was more like a brief tutorial which this looks like it is.
I'm at work today but will check it out later tonight.

Chris H.

The one I listed in the URL is about 45 minutes in length. But worth every
Chris H.
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