Beginner question


Marco Simone


I have 3 tables.
Table 1 and table 2 are in relationship One to many.
Table 2 and table 3 are in relationship One to many.
I have made forms based on each table.
On Form 1 (based on table 1) I have put 2 other forms. They appear to be
I have question about 2 subform (based on table 3): I have put 2 subform on
form 1 (based on table 1). Since table 2 and table 3 are in relationship
(and table 1 and 3 are not), should I put 2 subform inside first subform
based on table 2.
I have put it on main form, is this mistake and will data be disordered?
Sorry for this easy question, but this is my level of access at the moment.

Thanks for your answer,

John Vinson


I have 3 tables.
Table 1 and table 2 are in relationship One to many.
Table 2 and table 3 are in relationship One to many.
I have made forms based on each table.
On Form 1 (based on table 1) I have put 2 other forms. They appear to be
I have question about 2 subform (based on table 3): I have put 2 subform on
form 1 (based on table 1). Since table 2 and table 3 are in relationship
(and table 1 and 3 are not), should I put 2 subform inside first subform
based on table 2.
I have put it on main form, is this mistake and will data be disordered?
Sorry for this easy question, but this is my level of access at the moment.

The data may indeed have problems; records entered into Table3 via
this subform will have the correct value of the linking field to
Table1, but they will not inherit any value from Table2. You either
won't be able to create a record at all, due to relational integrity,
or it may create a record with an invalid link to Table2.

Nested subforms are one way to go; another is to use "logically
nested" subforms side by side. This requires a little bit of trickery;
if you need the visual effect (i.e. having two Continuous subforms,
with the second subform linked to the currently selected record on the
first) post back, I'll see if I can find a link describing how to set
it up (or just remember how it's done).

Marco Simone

Thanks John.

So when I am creating forms I have to follow up relationships of tables.
I guess same is with reports. I have read one book of 500 pages, but there
was not explained how to create forms with subforms.


John Vinson

Thanks John.

So when I am creating forms I have to follow up relationships of tables.

Either physically (with nested subforms) or logically (with VBA code
to correlate the subforms), yes. One suggestion: don't try to create
one monstrous form that updates all your tables! Break the problem
into logical groups of two or three (maybe as many as five) tables,
create forms for each group, and use a Switchboard to let the user
bring up the appropriate form.
I guess same is with reports. I have read one book of 500 pages, but there
was not explained how to create forms with subforms.


There's a lot of books out there... and some are obviously better than
others. There are a lot that are better than this book, I can tell

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