Behaviors, on click go to url, swap image, swap image restore



Hi I'm creating a site for work it is at the numbers under
the slide show are in a shared border and have the following behaviors
applied to them: onclick go to url, on mouseover swap image, on mouseout
restore image. The site is hosted on a server that supports front page. I
test the site localy and it works great but when I upload it works until I
click on about 3-4 links then I get a message in my status bar "error on
page" and the site no longer navigates.
thanks in advance

Ronx does not have a home page, nor are there any shared
border files containing any significant HTML content. _borders\bottom.htm
is the only shared border file, and it only contains a comment.

Suggest you publish the entire site and let us know which page has the

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression)

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Sorry I am having server issues

Ronx said: does not have a home page, nor are there any shared
border files containing any significant HTML content. _borders\bottom.htm
is the only shared border file, and it only contains a comment.

Suggest you publish the entire site and let us know which page has the

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression)

Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.


Hi The server issues are resolved and the site is back up...although when I
test my site in in fp on the browser I get an error there also> Am I asking
fp to do something it cannot do by stacking these behaviors on this one button


Page main_29.htm is missing the javascript for the gotoURL behaviour,
main_36 is missing ALL the behaviour javascript.

Most of the pages are missing the pre-load images script, and the contents
of the body tag - compare the <body> tag in _borders\bottom.htm and the
<body> tag in any other page.

The first is a common fault - the script is not included from the shared
border, but reference to it has to be "found" by FrontPage when the shared
border is added (on page save locally and on the server when publishing) and
the script added at the same time. This often fails.
The preload images will always fail when using shared borders (and the
images are in the border file) since the body tag is not brought into the
page using the shared border.

You would solve this problem by using a Dynamic Web Template instead of
shared borders. With a DWT all the script (except possibly the preload
images) will be included in all the pages attached to the DWT - and there is
a way to get round the preload images failure if you don't mind getting your
fingers dirty in Code View.

Without the DWT, copy the script from _borders\bottom.htm to each page in
code view.
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression)

Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.


Hi Ronx I can't thanks you enough for putting me in the right direction a DWT
is a great way to build a site and everything works great yellowfin is very happy with the site. If you get to
Sarasota florida I owe you a fishing trip (e-mail address removed)
thanks again

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