Behaviors, Open Browser in a new page


Mae McGerm

Using behaviors I have made small pages successfully and used the X to close
them (top right of small window), but desire to put "close" at bottom of
small window to return to the normal size page where I made the behavior like
it does when I hit the X. I've tried a hyperlink and it works but the page
comes up in the small window. The people that have used my website don't
think to hit the X and get a pile up of small windows because I have about 25
small pages I made from a list of ministries. How can I put a "close" at
bottom and have it work like the X?


In addition to Trillian's comment, if give each small window the same
name then all your pop-up pages will open in the same window, reducing
the potential count from 25 to 1. The actual code change you need
depends on how you are opening the small windows - reply here with the
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