Best graphics format to use in Word document



I am using Word 2002 and have created a document that is about 130 pages long
and about 2 MB. I have inserted blank pages (using the page break command)
that have caption names on them as placeholders for some figures that I need
to insert.

I will have about 20 full-page figures (maps) that will be generated with
ArcGIS. Should I ask the GIS person for bmps, jpgs, tiffs, or some other
format? The document will eventually be printed out, but will also be
converted to a PDF and displayed on line. I think the on line version will
receive the most use. For that reason, I'm thinking that I should embed the
files rather than link them, but I would appreciate ideas on that.

Also, once I have these files, will I just use the Insert Picture command to
get them into the document?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

My understanding is that, if you embed the graphics, they will be converted
internally to PNGs regardless of what format you start out with. All of the
graphic formats you mention are bitmap formats, though JPEGs use a lossy
form of compression, so they are generally smaller. FWIW, you can create a
PDF from a document with linked graphics, and the graphics will be embedded
in the PDF (at least I'm hoping this is true, since I recently did it!).


Thanks - I will try your suggestion on the linked Word document.

Are you saying that no matter what format you start with, the quality of the
embedded graphics and file size of the resulting document will be about the

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I will defer to those more knowledgeable about graphics formats for that


Thank you to both of you- this is the information I was looking for. I think
it will take me a bit to digest it... but at least I have it now, so thanks a
million for your help.

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