In the technological era, many users find this query on Google "Best & Latest MBOX Converter Tool- 2024" If you are also searching for the best MBOX converter then the post will be helpful. Users can make use of BLR Tools MBOX Converter Software to convert multiple/single MBOX files into 30+ email documents. There are users can download this software in any Windows OS edition without any trouble. The tool can be operated by any user whether its background is technical or non-technical. The utility has multiple features such as; Removing duplicate MBOX, splitting PST files, Naming convention features, date filters, preserving files selective location, and many more. Users can also move MBOX emails to Gmail, G Suite, Thunderbird, Hotmail, iCloud, Amazon Work Mail, and many more emails. If users want to see more features and functions then they can use the free trial edition that is available on the official website. The trial version only moves/converts 15 MBOX files.