Best MS Project 2003 book?



I am looking for a MS Project 2003 book that teaches not only how to
use MS Project 2003 but maybe how to create an MS Project with a
project example from the book. Basically, creating a project from
start to finish with some fictitious sample project that is part of
the book in which to learn. A project oriented book rather than just
showing what features MS Project 2003 has and how to do certain things
as far as features. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

Mike Glen

Hi ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

There is also a listing of books and references in FAQ Item: 47 - FAQs,
companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at this
web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


I am looking for a MS Project 2003 book that teaches not only how to
use MS Project 2003 but maybe how to create an MS Project with a
project example from the book. Basically, creating a project from
start to finish with some fictitious sample project that is part of
the book in which to learn. A project oriented book rather than just
showing what features MS Project 2003 has and how to do certain things
as far as features. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

I have to caveat myself by saying that I haven't reviewed the lastest round
of Project manuals, so my recommendation is based on previous versions.

First, avoid any of the books by MS press. While fairly complete, they have
no clue as to how Project Management is actually done, and tend to be very
misleading in some critical areas, particularly the linking process.
The books I've found that are also complete, but written by people who know
PM, are the Que series, "Using MS Project XXXX" and the MS Project Bible
series. Also, MS Project for dummies for a more basic, less detailed,

Hope this helps in your world.

Andrew Lavinsky

The Element K Microsoft Project 2003 Level 1 and 2 books should meet your

That being said, my required book list for MPP03 always includes:

Eric Uyttewaal, Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Project
Tim Pyron's book (which I think is the Que one, can't recall)



The Element K Microsoft Project 2003 Level 1 and 2 books should meet your

That being said, my required book list for MPP03 always includes:

Eric Uyttewaal, Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Project
Tim Pyron's book (which I think is the Que one, can't recall)


Thanks everyone for the inputs


Thanks everyone for the inputs- Hide quoted text -

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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you guys know that i went through the MS Press
book. It was a good introduction book for me to get familar with MS
Project 2003. A friend of mine let me borrow his Que Book by Tim Pyron
for MS Project 2003, but the CD-rom is missing from the book. I wanted
to work on certain projects or files that are on the CD-rom which the
book gets into in the last section. Can anyone provide the files for
me? Maybe upload them to rapidshare or some place online? Thanks.

Mike Glen

I think you ought to buy the book complete with the CD ROM if you intend to
use it for the exercises !

Mike Glen
Project MVP
Co-Author of Que's Project 2002 version

Thanks everyone for the inputs- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you guys know that i went through the MS Press
book. It was a good introduction book for me to get familar with MS
Project 2003. A friend of mine let me borrow his Que Book by Tim Pyron
for MS Project 2003, but the CD-rom is missing from the book. I wanted
to work on certain projects or files that are on the CD-rom which the
book gets into in the last section. Can anyone provide the files for
me? Maybe upload them to rapidshare or some place online? Thanks.

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