Hi Shane.
As others have stated, the "Best Practice" really depends on your company's
processes and how it determines that a project is "approved" and/or
In my classes and to my clients I always recommend that they use one of the
other baselines (1-10) in addition to baseline 0 when saving the baseline.
What I mean by this is that certainly save the current baseline in Baseline 0
because all the tracking views use these fields for comparison, but also save
the baseline in one of the other Baselines for future reporting. For
example, the first time you baseline, save to both Baseline 0 and Baseline 1.
If you have to rebaseline based on the criteria your PMO/company has setup
for reasons/insighting incidents that would cause of rebaseline, because of a
scope change for example, then save the new baseline to Baseline 0 again
overwriting the orignal AND also Baseline2. This way I can report on
variances to the CURRENT baseline without having to change all the tracking
views AND ALSO be able to compare to the original baseline (baseline 1) if I
want. I have a view then that uses not only the Baseline 0 for comparision
but these original values from Baseline 1 as well.
I hope this helps.
Christine Flora,