Best Prtice For Office 2007 Home and Student



I'm a Home Office user working with Office 2000. I use Excel, Word and
Outlook Express exclusively on 3 desktops and one laptop between myself and
my wife. We're coming across lots of users who have switched to Office 2007,
and find that there are lots of reasons to upgrade. Can anyone suggest the
best retail or mail order outlet to buy Office 2007 Home and Student from.
Do I need a three seat license even if I use it occasionally on the fourth
PC? Any suggestions greatly apprecitated.


Abradaxis said:
I'm a Home Office user working with Office 2000. I use Excel, Word and
Outlook Express exclusively on 3 desktops and one laptop between myself and
my wife. We're coming across lots of users who have switched to Office 2007,
and find that there are lots of reasons to upgrade. Can anyone suggest the
best retail or mail order outlet to buy Office 2007 Home and Student from.
Do I need a three seat license even if I use it occasionally on the fourth
PC? Any suggestions greatly apprecitated.

Alternatively, get Open Office. It's free and you can install it on as
many computers as you like. Download it at


Earle Horton

Home and Student is for non-commercial use, but I suppose you knew that.
For four computers you would need four licenses. Three of those could be
Home and Student, provided you are using the product for non-commercial
purposes, but you would need a fourth license for the laptop. There really
is no (legal) way to get around that requirement.



Office2k is not licenced for for more than two PC's and then for use by the
same user (Desktop + Laptop)
Outlook Express is not part of Office, but a component of Win/IE

H&S is not Licenced for business use

Other Office 2007 versions are generally Licensed for a Desktop + Mobile
device for use by the same user ie you are not supposed to use both versions
at the same time
If you try to activate Office on more PC's than is allowed you wont be able
In your circumstances, as a business with seperate users, and 4 PC's, you
will require two versions of whichever Office version that is suitable for
your needs
You do qualify for an upgrade version

amazon is generally cheaper than purchasing direct from MS, and,
importantly, you get the dvd/cd media


I'm not a business user, but a retiree who uses two desktops and a laptop at
one location, and another desktop and the same laptop at the other location.
Does your suggested scenario still hold true? Is Office 2k another name for
Office 2007? Our licenses for the versions of Office we now use were
acquired in the following way: 1 OEM for a desktop, 2 Upgrades from Office
97, 1 purchased version of Office 2003. What is the downside of using Open
Office, as suggested by one responder? Thanks again for your information,
which is much appreciated.


I appreciate the information. When software was initially evolving, I used
WordPerfect as my word processing choice. I kept on using Lotus 123 as long
as possible. I found other email programs instead of Outlook or Outlook
express. I was always an early adopter, and would up at the ass end of every
data processing program. My experience with non-Microsoft products was
always dismal, and always made me convert back to Microsoft in the end. I
appreciate that you are an avid Open Office user, but if I get involved with
Open Office, will I once again find myself converting in a few years, or
creating documents which others cannot read? Your response and feedback is,
once again, greatly appreciated!

Earle Horton

You could put Home and Student on three desktops, or on two desktops and the
laptop. But then you would have to buy another package for the fourth
computer. That one could be an upgrade, but looking at prices that wouldn't
save you anything. Home and Student 2007 does not include Outlook.



Abradaxis said:
I'm a Home Office user working with Office 2000. I use Excel, Word and
Outlook Express exclusively on 3 desktops and one laptop between myself
and my wife. We're coming across lots of users who have switched to Office
2007, and find that there are lots of reasons to upgrade. Can anyone
suggest the best retail or mail order outlet to buy Office 2007 Home and
Student from. Do I need a three seat license even if I use it occasionally
on the fourth PC? Any suggestions greatly apprecitated.

With respect to price, usually has best price with free shipping.
Exceptions when stores such as Staples etc are doing a promotion.

From your post, you may have older computers. Suggest you check the system
requirements {expecially version of Windows} at:

You may want to check what is included in each edition of Office 2007 at :

As noted, Home and Student does not include Outlook. OneNote 2007 is include

Office 2007 has a new Grapic Interface. Some like the new interface, some do
not. If you have a broadband connection, you may want to try Office 2007
Professional for sixty days. You can download from:



Abradaxis said:
I appreciate the information. When software was initially evolving, I used
WordPerfect as my word processing choice. I kept on using Lotus 123 as long
as possible. I found other email programs instead of Outlook or Outlook
express. I was always an early adopter, and would up at the ass end of every
data processing program. My experience with non-Microsoft products was
always dismal, and always made me convert back to Microsoft in the end. I
appreciate that you are an avid Open Office user, but if I get involved with
Open Office, will I once again find myself converting in a few years, or
creating documents which others cannot read? Your response and feedback is,
once again, greatly appreciated!

I also gave you a link to buy Office 07, Open Office can
deal with MS' docx crap no problem.



Abradaxis said:
I appreciate the information. When software was initially evolving, I used
WordPerfect as my word processing choice. I kept on using Lotus 123 as long
as possible. I found other email programs instead of Outlook or Outlook
express. I was always an early adopter, and would up at the ass end of every
data processing program. My experience with non-Microsoft products was
always dismal, and always made me convert back to Microsoft in the end. I
appreciate that you are an avid Open Office user, but if I get involved with
Open Office, will I once again find myself converting in a few years, or
creating documents which others cannot read? Your response and feedback is,
once again, greatly appreciated!

You can always download Open Office and try it out to see what
you think of it. Same with MS Office (for that matter you can try
out the latest version of WordPerfect Office too) - all depending
on the system requirements. That way you get to decide whether
it's worth to you to upgrade to a newer version of your present
office software.

Ann W.

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