pls be careful, VB and VBA have alsolutely nothing to do with VB.Net, aside
maybe from the coding conventions but even this is purely cosmetic. If you
want to move on to the DotNet platform go with c# instead of VB.Net. The
learning curve will be the same if not shorter seeing as you already code
Porting VB 6.0 code to VBA modues and vice-versa is easier as the two use
almost the same syntax. There are some small differences but if you keep
your code generic enough its not a problem.
I'd strongly recommend using the vba editor supplied with ms access.
J. McConnell said: you wrote:
My company has just accepted a VBA/Access project, though we have
developed with VBA before. We are curious if there are many benefits
developing in VB .Net instead of the VB Editor that is built into
We currently only own C++ .Net and are wondering if buying VB .Net
Thanks in advance for any info,
-----Original Message-----
From: (e-mail address removed) [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: Best VBA development environment
If you want the least hassle, stick with the VB Editor built into
Access. Anything else you'll have translation issue to work out and
that includes VB6 and VB.Net.
Make sure you have MS Office installed and have the appropriat help
files that define all the objects: VBAWrd.chm, vbaxl9.chm,
vbappt9.chm, vbaoff9.chm.
And checkout the updates and patches on the microsoft office download
Thanks a lot, this is what I needed to know. Out of curiosity, what kinds
of translation issues? Removing stuff that's valid in VB but not in VBA?