Best way of creating a handbook...



I apologize if this has been asked before. I could not find my exact
question in the archives, so I'm going to go for it!

I am fairly new to Publisher. I do like the program so far, but am
wondering which would be the best way to create a handbook for our fair? Our
classes and lots often change, and we add and subtract classes and lots
almost every year. Should I create each class and its information in its own
text box, or should I just have one text box for "everything? I have noticed
that when you add items to a text box, you have the option of using automatic
overflow. That is fine, except that it does not move pictures and other
items created in their own boxes.
So far, I have three copies of this year's handbook and am trying to figure
out which way I should use - each class and the pertinent information in its
own box, or use one box in each column and let auto overflow do its work?
Seems like it's six of one, half dozen of the other.
Any suggestions? (Hope I'm being clear enough!)

--I have a "love/hate" relationship with computers - I love them, they hate


Thanks for the quick answer Mary. I did take a look at the links you
provided, but that is not quite what I'm after. ;-) Guess I just want an
opinion as to which way those who use Publisher often think would work best.
I've tried both ways, and I'm leaning towards each class/lot and its
information in its own box. Either way, moving objects/boxes is just
something that has to be reckoned with in Publisher, right? It's still
easier than using Word, I think.

BTW, I absolutely love this forum! You all are the greatest!

Mary Sauer

Page layout was never Word's strong suit. Open a catalog template and take a
look on how it is laid out. They are setup as a booklet. This is a good size for
a handbook.
I have never, ever been accused of being a designer, we have a MVP that can help
you, maybe she will see this and give you great advice...


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