Best way to add a chart?



Earlier I had asked for some help on how to proceed with this
application. I have moved forward a little on my own but now I'm at a
point where I really need a pro's recommendation.

I am trying to build an application that will track printer usage. I
am using a search interface that I downloaded form Allen Browne's web
site (excellent stuff!!). My concept is this;
1. Interface allows user to choose search criteria based on type of
pages printed, specific printer, and time frame of printer usage
2. After user selects the criteria the form displays the filtered
data and changes the columns that are displayed based on the criteria
3. A chart displays (preferably on the same screen as the current
search form) the filtered data.

I have number 1 above done and it works well. I decided on a process
for step 2 and it seems to be working well enough, but I'm still not
sure how to even start number 3. I know of several ways to create the
chart but I'm not sure of the best way. The chart will be a standard
bar chart representing the criteria selected by the user. Should I
use a separate form that is displayed at the same time as the search
form? Should I put the chart in the detail section of the current
search form? What is the best way to make it dynamic? Change the
chart information via SQL or connect the chart to the search form

Hopefully this link will take you to an image of my interface:

I appreciate any help provided. You guys provide a great service and
I appreciate what you do for guys like me.


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