Best way to copy PDFs (as images) into Word?



Dear community,

I am using Office 2003 and Adobe Acrobate 5.

For a client, I need to insert lots of PDF pages (from multipage
PDF-documents) into a Word-document, i.e. the "image" of one single PDF page
on one single Word page (each seperated from the following by a page break).
As the Word document contains header and footer, the PDF image is about 30%
smaller than its original size (= A4; same paper size for the Word document).

Here is what I am currently doing:
-Select the outline of the PDF page with Adobe's "Graphics select tool" (GST)
-Copy (Ctrl C) to the Office clipboard
-Repeat for up to 25 PDF pages/images and then switch to Word
-Insert from the Office clipboard into my Word file by "simple" pasting
(Ctrl V; or rather: once you copied the first one, the clipboard will paste
the others "automatically")

The problem is that, after printing, the quality of the PDF "images" in the
Word document is hardly acceptable. This seems astonishing to me, as the PDFs
(presumably created by scanning) are not perfect quality, but still OK. Plus:
As there is a reduction of the image size (from full A4 to something 30%
<A4), I would expect that the PDF image size should even get a little bit
"better" than in the original (?).

As this is urgent, I would appreciate any help! Thanks in advance,

PS: Is it normal that after Ctrl C with the GST in Acrobate, only "Bitmap"
and "DI bitmap" are available as options in Word's "Paste special" dialogue

Graham Mayor

What should help here is SnagIt. 'Print' to the SnagIt driver to produce a
series of graphical images which you can then insert into your document.
There is a demo from

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Hello again everyone,

I found a satisfying (though possibly not perfect) solution to my problem,
and I would like to share it with you:

1) Open the PDF file containing the pages that you want to copy into Word
with Adobe and "safe (file) as" JPEG -> Adobe will generate lots of
JPEG-files (1 per page)

2) Open your word document and "insert" / "picture" / "from file" to
individually insert every single (JPEG) page. The quality will be fine, but
you will end up with a huge file size.


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