Best way to create and present cross tabulation?


masayoshi hayashi

I created an add-in for cross tabulation. It uses pivot table feature.

Suppose I have a list

Question1 Question2 Question3
m 1 Joe
f 2 Mike
m 4 Ellen
m 3 Mike
.. . .
.. . .
.. . .

Q1 is set to the column field. Q2 and Q3 is crossed against Q1, etc.



A one way to label pivottables is to change the data in the list
Question1.Your Sex Question2.Your weight Question3....
male 1.less than 40kg ....

But this method costs time and disk space for a large data. Also
pivottables generated by this method is not acceptable as presentation
for most users.

Alternative way is to use getpivotdata function. Create pivottables in
a sheet and create another worksheet for presentation using
getpivotdata, such that a user can label rowfields and rowfields'
items, add notes and change formats, etc for a report. In this case,
I'd have to provide a user cell references for corresponding
pivottable cell position,rowfield name, rowfield item name,
columnfield name, columnfield item name, etc where a user want. Also,
getpivotdata function is not backward compatible from 2002 to 2000, I

What do you think the best way to create a cross tabulation data and
to present the result?

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