Best way to insert graphics - using least amount of space?



What method of inserting graphics takes up the least
amount of space?

I've tested copy/paste and the Edit > Paste Special
options already and have found that Edit > Paste Special
as "picture" uses the least amount of space.

But, is there a better way? Like maybe using Insert >
Picture? If so, what is the best way to format/capture a
graphic that is already inserted in a document for use so
it will take up the least amount of space.



The basic rule is to handle corrections in a graphic app, choosing a format
suitable for the actual purpose. Save under a new name to keep your original
(Correcting images in a document will mean that cropping areas are maintaned
but invisible unless there, as in Word, is a reste button).

The "cheapest" way to insert a picture is Insert/Picture. Any way of using
the clipboard will increase the size, the span might be from 150KB to more
than 7MB. Its up to you to judge quality, size and "good look".

A printscreen can be inserted directly, again its better to save in
appropriate format before insert.

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