What method of inserting graphics takes up the least
amount of space?
I've tested copy/paste and the Edit > Paste Special
options already and have found that Edit > Paste Special
as "picture" uses the least amount of space.
But, is there a better way? Like maybe using Insert >
Picture? If so, what is the best way to format/capture a
graphic that is already inserted in a document for use so
it will take up the least amount of space.
amount of space?
I've tested copy/paste and the Edit > Paste Special
options already and have found that Edit > Paste Special
as "picture" uses the least amount of space.
But, is there a better way? Like maybe using Insert >
Picture? If so, what is the best way to format/capture a
graphic that is already inserted in a document for use so
it will take up the least amount of space.