Best Way to Upgrade to Office 2008 Entourage




I'm willing to give Entourage 2008 a try. Currently I have Office
2004 installed and am using iMail and AddressBook because the
SnycService in Entourage didn't cut it. Now, if anbody can comment on
the following issues, I'd be most obliged:

1.) How can I delete Entourage 2004 from my computer? I don't use
the application anyway.

2.) I will only install Entourage 2008 and no other 2008 apps. Can I
expect any problems? Currently I'm planning to proceed like this:

A.) Starting at Office 2004 11.3.1, install XML converter
B.) Install Office 2004 11.5.0 update
C.) Install Office 2004 11.5.1 update
D.) Delete Entourage 2004 and user/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/
Entourage Preferences
E.) Delete user/Library/Preferences/Office Sync Prefs
F.) Install only Entourage only from Office 2008 Suite.

Am I missing something here?

Thanks for the feedback and the cumlated experience... Micorosft may
be evil to some people, but on the other hand they allow even people
running Jaguar to participate in the XML format... Has Apple ever
taken so much care to the older customers? So, I'll give Entourage
2008 a try...



William Smith [MVP]

I'm willing to give Entourage 2008 a try. Currently I have Office
2004 installed and am using iMail and AddressBook because the
SnycService in Entourage didn't cut it. Now, if anbody can comment on
the following issues, I'd be most obliged:

Hi JP!

The easiest solution is to simply run the Office 2008 installer. It has
a built-in routine for detecting older versions of Office and offering
to uninstall them for you (or you can choose to leave them).

If you're planning to sync regularly with Apple's Mail and iCal then you
may want to hold on upgrading to Office 2008. Most problems have been
resolved but some folks still report they are experiencing problems.

If you're planning to run Office 2008 without syncing to Apple's
applications then definitely upgrade so you'll get the XML formats
you're wanting.

Hope this helps!



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Diane Ross

I will only install Entourage 2008 and no other 2008 apps. Can I
expect any problems?

Yes, It's best to install the entire suite. They don't take up that much
room and you don't have to use them. If you are so tight on space that you
don't feel you can install, then you have serious space issues.

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