The makers of Personal Audio Link, a cellphone_to_VoIP_t
application, offering six months free Vonage telephone service to beta
clients for a new "remote cellphone to PC" software.
They are looking for power cellphone users to test the application, in
exchange for the free Vonage service and comments to the website's
user forum re: likes and dislikes, suggestions, etc.
It allows users to send and receive e-mail by voice, via cell phone,
hear -mail text by cellphone, get instant local traffic reports/weather
by cellphone, listen to favorite blogs or podcasts by cellphone.
application, offering six months free Vonage telephone service to beta
clients for a new "remote cellphone to PC" software.
They are looking for power cellphone users to test the application, in
exchange for the free Vonage service and comments to the website's
user forum re: likes and dislikes, suggestions, etc.
It allows users to send and receive e-mail by voice, via cell phone,
hear -mail text by cellphone, get instant local traffic reports/weather
by cellphone, listen to favorite blogs or podcasts by cellphone.