Better, more customizable grammar and syntax checker wanted



Is there a better a better, more customizable grammar and syntax checker
available for Word than MS offers?

Graham Mayor

Is there a better newsreader than the one you are using that sends half a
dozen copies of each message?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

I suspect lawrencae is getting an error message (or at least no confirmation
message) from the Web interface; if s/he's on dial-up, it could be that a
slow connection is part of the problem.


I don't know if there is another one out there, but just in case you do ever
trust Word's grammar checker, do yourself a favor and don't rely on it. Rely
on a book instead. The computer is wrong almost all the time.



It is rather to do with connection provided by my ISP. You might want to
enroll in Suzanne S. Barnhill's MVP, internet class, customer care, and
humane understanding and tactfulness classes. Suzanne is an MVP colleague of
yours, assuming you actually are an MVP. Obviously if you are one, she is one
with higher standards. She had the tact to offer a decent retort to my
question that shed light on the problem I have been having with repeated
displays of my questions.

Take care Graham.


Good on you Greg and thanks for coming to my defense and the defense of all
of us. See below my reply to Graham Mayor and Robert:

It is rather to do with connection provided by my ISP. You might want to
enroll in Suzanne S. Barnhill's MVP, internet class, customer care, and
humane understanding and tactfulness classes. Suzanne is an MVP colleague of
yours, assuming you actually are an MVP. Obviously if you are one, she is one
with higher standards. She had the tact to offer a decent retort to my
question that shed light on the problem I have been having with repeated
displays of my questions.

Greg Maxey said:
Are there no courtesy requirements for becoming an MVP? ;-)

Greg Maxey - Word MVP

My web site
Word MVP web site copies of each message? [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]


It has rather to do with the connection provided by my ISP. You might want to
enroll in Suzanne S. Barnhill's MVP, internet class, customer care, and
humane understanding and tactfulness classes. Suzanne is an MVP colleague of
yours, assuming you actually are an MVP. Obviously if you are one, she is one
with higher standards. She had the tact to offer a decent retort to my
question that shed light on the problem I have been having with repeated
displays of my questions.

Take care.


Thank you Suzanne. Sorry for all the redundant posts. I think you probably
are on the right track about my problem connection. It is a DSL connection
but it is not very good one. I am presently in the Philippines where quality
is certainly not a high priority consideration. Stiil I must take some blame
due to my lack of experience with the system provided here. I will know in
the future that even though I get an error message saying something to the
effect that the server cannot be found, I must wait to see if the question I
am trying to upload has been receive or not before I hit the back button and
do it all over again.

Thank you for coming to the defense of an unknown customer. See my response
below to your MPV colleauges to the testy responses I got from some of your
MVP colleagues:

"It has rather to do with the connection provided by my ISP. You might want
to enroll in Suzanne S. Barnhill's MVP, internet class, customer care, and
humane understanding and tactfulness classes. Suzanne is an MVP colleague of
yours, assuming you actually are an MVP. Obviously if you are one, she is one
with higher standards. She had the tact to offer a decent retort to my
question that shed light on the problem I have been having with repeated
displays of my questions."

Thanks Alabama for coming to the defense of his Chattanooga, Tennessee

Take care.
Lawrence S. Miller
(e-mail address removed)


Right. Their checker does a fair job, but if you know grammar at all, you can
see where it may go wrong in a particular case. You are certainly right in
saying you must not rely on their checker, but on knowledge gleaned from good
books and good teachers.

My best to you and yours.
Lawrence S. Miller
(e-mail address removed)

Beth Melton

I think I may know what you are encountering. Is it along the lines of
"service temporarily unavailable" or "Your Passport session has expired. You
must return to the Discussion Group home page and sign in again before you
can post"? If that's the case then the error you are encountering is for
your notification request, not your post. Your post will still go through
but you may not receive a notification that your post has an answer. If
that's the case then you can subcribe to a post after it's been posted.

It's been awhile since we've seen this, (4 years maybe??) and I thought it
was fixed. Although I think it was due to a time out issue so dial-up might
explain it.

As an alternative to the web interface, if you are able to use Outlook
Express to access the newsgroups you may prefer it over the web interface
you are using. It's MUCH faster! (I think the web interface is slow even
with high speed Internet access. <g>) If you want to try it then click this
link and this group will be added for you:

Then to find replies to your messages, use View/Current View/Show replies to
my messages.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


That message from Gerg Maxey was in fact a reference to his having
been called for rudeness to a poster last week.

Graham Mayor

It was in fact a private joke between Greg and myself, and a dig at self
appointed net nannies.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham Mayor

As I said - a dig at net nannies.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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