I received the copy but I'm afraid it's just as I suspected...
SmartArt Graphics are designed to maintain their aspect ratio, so the
of shapes & their distribution among levels proportionately dictates the
dimensions of the overall graphic. The large number of shapes in levels 4
5 causes extreme height relative to the few columns so that's how the
graphic has been sized. The only way to fill more of the page width would
cause horizontal distortion.
The reason you've been unable to have th graphic fill more of the page
overall is that it's Text Wrapping is set to In Line with Text. That
effectively makes it the sole character in the sole paragraph on the page,
and you can't move the paragraph beyond the top margin.
By changing the Text Wrapping for the SmartArt object to something such as
In Front of Text you'll be able to drag the object to anywhere you wish.
Make sure you select the shape by clicking on the outer frame rather than
changing the property of any given shape within the object. You'll then be
able to stretch it but I don't think it will add any appreciable width.
style of the diagram just doesn't appear to lend itself very well to the
volume/distribution of content you need to include.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
No objection, but even seeing it won't do much good if I don't have any
what you want to be *different* about it

If you do send it to me make
sure to describe as best you can what that is.
Use the following address: cybertaz[at]comcast[dot]net & make sure to
the Subject of the email as SA-E0311
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
the page has no other content. orther than this Horizontal Labled
Chart from smartart filled in using the attached wizard.
I want to make full use of the page but it is cramed in the centre
The text wrapping is fine for each box, but if you make the text larger
no longer fits
I don't know how best to describe it. is there any way to send a copy so
can see it?
I'm not 100% clear on what you want to achieve... Changing the actual
of the diagram, its position, or a combination of both. There are a
of variants relevant to each possibility, so it's rather difficult to
how to respond. If you can clarify a bit it would be most helpful.
Make sure you have the non-printing characters (¶) displayed so you can
better tell what might be responsible for the space issue.
What type of Text Wrapping is applied to the diagram?
Have you checked in the Header to see if there are any "empty"
beneath or above the Header text (I'm assuming there is Header
content). The
¶s will appear if there are. Also check the paragraph formatting of the
Header to see if there is any Space Above/Below applied.
What is preventing you from resizing or repositioning the diagram? What
happens if you try?
Does the page have any other content? If so, what is it?
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
On 6/11/09 12:34 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Sean"
I have a Horizonatl Labled Hierachy Chart
That goes from left to right
1 Company
1 Brand
1 Region
11 areas
23 Sites
39 Locations
I have set the paper size A3 Portrait
The chart is set to the full size of the paper
However the chart is dead in the middle, with loads of space either
loads of space under the headers before the top box.
However I want the chart to make full use of the page avaiable
Can anyone help