Bibliography database questions



The bibliography database -- er, sorry, "source management" -- feature looks
really useful. I have a couple of questions, though.

In one of by Bibtex databases I have the following entry:

AUTHOR = "Donald E. Knuth",
TITLE = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley",
YEAR = 1969,
SERIES = "The Art of Computer Programming",
ADDRESS = "London" }

I can't find a way in the Office source management to represent the fact
that "Seminumerical Algorithms" is a book in the series "The Art of Computer
Programming". Is there a way to do this? If not, then maybe it's something
Microsoft should consider; a new offering really needs to offer at least the
same capability as a vintage programme!

My other question is whether I can have multiple bibliography databases, and
draw from multiple databases in one document. I am an engineer, so I will
need lots of engineering sources, but I am doing a humanities degree in my
spare time, so I need lots of humanities sources, and it would be a lot
easier to search if I can keep them separate (but I do occasionally reference
engineering sources in my humanities assignments -- once an engineer, always
an engineer -- so I would need to be able to access both databases from one
document. Is that possible?


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