BIFF - Help!! lookup numbers in multiple columns and return one nu



Looked at some of you responses regarding excel and you seem very
knowledgeable. Have a question involving a lookup.


Two Sheets

Sheet one

Has an invoice number on it.

Sheet two

Has a check number that may or may not have paid multiple invoices.

It is listed this way.

Column 1 column 2 column 3
et all

Check number invoice number invoice number

What I would like to do is use a lookup on sheet one that checks sheet two
for the invoice number (separate invoice numbers are located in columns B
through whatever) and returns what check it was paid on (checks located in
the left most column).

Can’t figure out an easy way to do it and was wondering if you had any ideas.



If you don't mind a suggestion from someone else - assuming check numbers are
in A1:A3, invoice numbers are in B1:C3, the invoice number you're looking for
is in A10 (change cell references as needed), you could try


array entered with Cntrl+Shift+Enter (or you'll get #VALUE!). Also, assumes
the invoice was paid w/only one check.


jb...Does it works ? I have the same problems. I cant do it with my invoice
list, my invoice numbers are scattered around, only the check numbers are in
sequence ? Still a mystery...


I realized that after I'd already posted. I hoped nobody would notice.

Hope you are not offended I posted since the OP requested your help. I
wasn't going to, but then I figured it was not certain you would see the post.


Hope you are not offended I posted since the OP requested your help.

Absolutely not. I've done the same thing.



excuse me Biff and Jmb....Hi jb...pls reply so we learn for the correct
formula on a logical function...since no one had replied for a
lookup/reference seems "IF's" is more helpful in this case
- money matters....waiting for your reply...

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