big headache with styles numbering - please assist...


llama thumper


really need help here on this... i am not a newbie to word, but i am a
complete newbie to styles, and especially numbering.

basically, i'd like to be able to format a long document to then be
able to automatically put it in a table of contents. as i understand,
it would be best to use styles for this...

here comes my problem. I would like the following set up:

Chapter called "introduction" (centered, bold, always)


Next Chapter title called "Chapter I"

1. First subheading
1.1 sub sub heading
1.2 sub sub heading
1.2.1 sub sub sub heading

2. Second subheading
2.1 sub heading
2.1.1 sub sub heading

3 Third subheading

Next Chapter, called "Chapter II".

Basically, i am unable to get the sub sub headings to number correctly
- ie they continue with 1.1 to 1.19 or whatever, instead of switching
to new numeration (starting with "2", not "1"). so instead of having
something like above for the second subheading, what I have is:

Suzanne S. Barnhill

See for the
numbering issues. You need to use Heading 1 as your Level 1 style. Use
Heading 2 for Level 2, without including numbering from Level 1 but
restarting after Level 1.

For TOC issues, see And note
that for Level 1 heads that aren't numbered, you need to use a style that is
identical to Heading 1 except for the numbering (but not based on Heading
1), with Level 1 set as the outline level. It will then be included in the
TOC at the same level as the chapter titles.

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