big problem with formatting



We just started (Feb 07) having issues with a document viewing and printing
differently on different machines. We use Office 2003 SP 2, XP SP2 and same
patch version for windows update on all machines. Margins and page setup are
identical. Tools >Options are the same, fonts are the same, printer & printer
drivers are the same. We use the same template.

The documents have Excel spreadsheets linked to them. Some of the documents
were even created on the "bad" machine last month.

This month all of the documents opened on that machine are formatted
differently. Mostly larger. If you close without saving and open on another
machine it is fine. If you save it, then the new (bad) formatting is saved.

We have tried restoring XP settings, we reinstalled Office, tweaked every
setting we can find to compare.

please help.


In your whole post, the only description of the actual problem is 'formatted
differently'. This is not much to go on.


Jezebel said:
In your whole post, the only description of the actual problem is 'formatted
differently'. This is not much to go on.

Not every document has the exact same formatting changes. Most of them have extra lines causing the pagination to change and although the font says it is Arial Narrow 11.5 it prints larger. In just a few docs the type is the same but prints smaller and condensed.

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